
Tutorial: Emacs Speaks Statistics

Stephen Eglen, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK.


This tutorial will introduce the emacs environment, ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics), for editing R code and interacting with R.




Attendees should have a working knowledge of R. Some previous experience with Emacs is helpful, but not essential. Bring your laptop with you to complete the exercises. Please install R on it, and if possible, Emacs and ESS. Precompiled Emacs+ESS bundles for Windows and Mac are available on the ESS home page (link below).

Intended Audience

We hope to attract both new users and provide a base for existing users to swap ideas and discuss future plans for ESS.

Material for Participants

Some material for the tutorial is now available here
Please check here for up to date tutorial resources.


ESS home page