09:00 - 09:50 |
Invited Talk, MS.01/MS.02, Chair: Ioannis Kosmidis |
Lee E. Edlefsen |
Scalable Data Analysis in R |
[Slides] [Video] |
09:50 - 10:50 |
Kaleidoscope IIa, MS.03, Chair: Michael Rutter |
Tal Galili |
Using R to quantify the buildup in extent of free exploration in mice |
Rebecca Killick |
Changepoint analysis with the changepoint package in R |
Karen R. Ryberg |
patterns in streamflow to produce regionally or anthropogenically
similar groups |
Panel Discussion I, MS.01, Chair: Derek Norton |
& Building a Local R User Group |
Kaleidoscope IIb, MS.02, Chair: Max Kuhn |
Loren Collingwood |
RTextTools |
Jason Waddell |
The Role of R in Lab Automation |
Louis Bajuk-Yorgan |
Using R data functions with TIBCO Spotfire |
10:50 - 11:15 |
Coffee, Main atrium and Mathematics Workroom, A0.05 |
11:15 - 12:35 |
Spatio-Temporal Statistics, B3.02, Chair: Julian Stander |
Khandoker Shuvo
Bakar |
Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Modelling using R |
Jason Lessels |
Applying geospatial techniques to temporal data
Nikolaus Umlauf |
Structured Additive Regression Models: An R Interface to BayesX |
[Slides] |
Molecular and Cell Biology, B3.03, Chair: Andrea Foulkes |
Sandra Barragán |
The R package isocir for Isotonic Inference for Circular Data. Applications to Problems Encountered in Cell Biology |
Juan José Fernández-Durán |
CircNNTSR: An R Package for the Statistical Analysis of Circular Data based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums |
Matthew Nunes |
Summary statistics selection for ABC inference in R |
[Slides] |
Maarten van Iterson
Power and minimal sample size for multivariate analysis of microarrays |
[Slides] |
Mixed Effect Models, MS.03, Chair: Douglas Bates |
Ulrich Halekoh |
Kenward-Roger modification of the F-statistic for some linear mixed models fitted with lmer |
[Slides] |
Marco Geraci |
lqmm: Estimating Quantile Regression Models for Independent and Hierarchical Data with R |
[Slides] |
Benoit Liquet |
lcmm: an R package for estimation of latent class mixed models and joint latent class models |
Kenneth Knoblauch |
Mixed-effects Maximum Likelihood Difference Scaling |
[Slides] |
Programming, MS.01, Chair: Uwe Ligges |
Ray Brownrigg |
Tricks and Traps for Young Players |
[Slides] |
Friedrich Schuster |
Software design patterns in R |
[Slides] |
Patrick Burns |
Random input testing with R |
[Slides] |
Tobias Verbeke |
An Open Source Visual R Debugger in StatET |
Data Mining Applications, MS.02, Chair: Przemys aw Biecek |
Stephan Stahlschmidt
Predicting the offender's age |
Daniel Chapsky |
Leveraging Online Social Network Data and External Data Sources to Predict Personality |
[Slides] |
Douglas Galagate |
Using R to Model Click-Stream Data to Understand Users' Path To Conversion |
12:35 - 14:00 |
Lunch, Rootes Restaurant |
14:00 - 14:45 |
Invited Talk, MS.01/MS.02, Chair: John Aston |
Adrian Bowman |
Modelling Three-dimensional Surfaces in R |
14:45 - 15:30 |
Invited Talk, MS.01/MS.02, Chair: John Aston |
Brandon Whitcher |
Quantitative Medical Image Analysis |
[Slides] [Video] |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee, Main atrium and Mathematics Workroom, A0.05 |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Development of R, B3.02, Chair: John C. Nash |
Michael A. Rutter |
Packaging R for Ubuntu: Recent Changes and Future Opportunities |
Andrew R. Runnalls |
Interpreter Internals: Unearthing Buried Treasure with CXXR |
[Slides] |
GSoC 2011 Admins |
R's Participation in the Google Summer of Code 2011 |
Geospatial Techniques, B3.03, Chair: Roger Bivand |
Binbin Lu |
Converting a spatial network to a graph in R |
[Slides] |
Rainer M Krug |
Spatial modelling with the R-GRASS Interface |
[Slides] |
Daniel Nüst |
sos4R - Accessing SensorWeb Data from R |
[Slides] |
Genomics and Bioinformatics, MS.03, Chair: Ramón Diaz-Uriarte |
Sebastian Gibb |
MALDIquant: Quantitative Analysis of MALDI-TOF Proteomics Data |
[Slides] |
Karl Kugler |
QuACN: Analysis of Complex Biological Networks using R |
Marion Ouedraogo |
Investigate clusters of co-expressed and co-located genes at a genomic scale using CoCoMap |
Regression Modelling, MS.01, Chair: Cristiano Varin |
Bettina Grün |
Beta Regression: Shaken, Stirred, Mixed, and Partitioned |
[Slides] |
Rune Haubo
B. Christensen |
Regression Models for Ordinal Data: Introducing R-package ordinal |
[Slides] |
Giuseppe Bruno |
Multiple choice models: why not the same answer? A comparison among LIMDEP, R, SAS and Stata |
[Slides] |
R in the Business World, MS.02, Chair: David Smith |
Derek McCrae Norton
Odysseus vs. Ajax: How to build an R presence in a corporate SAS environment |
[Slides] |
Ian Cook |
A Validation/Qualification Solution for R |
Enrico Branca |
R as a statistical tool for human factor engineering |
17:05 - 18:05 |
Hydrology and Soil Science, B3.02, Chair: Thomas Petzoldt |
Wayne Jones |
GWSDAT (GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool) |
[Slides] |
Fabio Veronesi |
IntR - Interactive GUI for R |
Pierre Roudier |
Visualisation and modelling of soil data using the aqp package |
[Slides] |
Biostatistical Modelling, B3.03, Chair: Holger Hoefling |
Matthias Schmid |
survAUC: Estimators of Prediction Accuracy for Time-to-Event Data |
Annamaria Guolo |
Higher-order likelihood inference in meta-analysis using R |
[Slides] |
Cristiano Varin |
Gaussian copula regression using R |
[Slides] |
Psychometrics, MS.03, Chair: Yves Rosseel |
Florian Wickelmaier
Multinomial Processing Tree Models in R |
[Slides] |
Basil Abou
Detecting Invariance in Psychometric Models with the psychotree Package |
[Slides] |
Shiu-Lien Wu |
Investigating multidimensional unfolding models using R2WinBUGS |
Multivariate Data, MS.01, Chair: Peter Dalgaard |
John Fox |
Tests for Multivariate Linear Models with the car Package |
[Slides] |
Julie Josse |
missMDA: a package to handle missing values in and with multivariate exploratory data analysis methods |
[Slides] |
António Pedro
Duarte Silva |
MAINT.DATA: Modeling and Analysing Interval Data in R |
[Slides] |
Interfaces, MS.02, Chair: Matthew Shotwell |
Xavier de Pedro
Puente |
Web 2.0 for R scripts and workflows: Tiki and PluginR |
[Slides] |
David Nicolaides |
Browser Based Applications Supported by R in Pipeline Pilot |
Sheri Gilley |
A new task-based GUI for R |
[Slides] |
19:30 - 23:00 |
Conference Dinner,
Panorama Suite, Rootes Building (ticket required) |